Itoh Peony Blanket CAL (5)– Motif 3 and Border

Motif 3 ( total 12pcs)

R1: Make a magic ring, (1sc, 3ch) 3 times, 1sc, 1ch, 1hdc on the first sc st, this hdc replaces 2ch and forms the 4th 3-ch loop.

R2: 3ch ( this counts as 1dc), 1dc in the same space, *(1ch, 2dc, 3ch, 2dc) in next space**, repeat from * to ** twice more, 1ch, 2dc in next space, 3ch, do invisible joint.

R3: Start from any 1-ch space, ch3 ( this counts as 1dc), 1dc in the same space, (1ch, 2dc) in all 1-ch space, (2dc, 3ch, 2dc) in all 3-ch corner space, 1ch, cut the yarn and do invisible joint.

R4: Start from any 1-ch space, ch3 ( this counts as 1dc), 1dc in the same space, (1ch, 2dc) in all 1-ch space, (2dc, 3ch, 2dc) in all 3-ch corner space, 1ch, cut the yarn and do invisible joint.

R5: Start from any 1-ch space, ch3 ( this counts as 1dc), 1dc in the same space, (1ch, 2dc) in all 1-ch space, (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) in all 3-ch corner space, 1ch, cut the yarn and do invisible joint. Please be noted, it’s 2ch for the corner in this round, not 3ch as previous rounds.

Sewing the motifs together:

Please see the structure graph, use right side invisible sewing method sewing along with the lines:

  1. Sewing along the Red Line
  2. Sewing along the Blue Line
  3. Sewing along the Green Line

Please watch the video for the tips of sewing.


For the DK Kalos version, use #61 for both rounds; for the Sanwashed version, #573 for Round1 and #574 for Round 2.

Round 1: Start from any of the right corner of Motif1, 3dc in the corner space, 1dc in each st till next corner space, 6dc in the corner space. $*12dc, 3dctog ( these 3 dcs are: 1dc in next st, skip 1st, 1dc pick up 2 loops of the space st, skip 1st, 1dc in next st, so actually is 5st decreased to 1st. Pls watch the video), 12dc, 6dc in next corner space**$$, repeat * to ** 5 times more, then repeat from $ to $$ 3 times more, the last 6dc is replaced by 3dc, sl to the first st to joint.

Round 2: This is a twisted sc round, 1 twisted sc in each st, when meet the 6dc (corner) of Round1, do 2 twisted sc in each of the 3rd and 4th st, others keep 1twisted sc in each st, when meet the 3sc tog ( the inner corner), pick up front loop of the st before 3sctog, skip the 3sctog st, pick up front loof of the st next to 3sctog, do a twisted 2sctog. Please watch the video.

The pattern for this blanket is finished. 


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